Monday, October 26, 2015


Have you ever felt invisible?

     I am a very shy and quiet person so the feeling of being invisible is something I know all too well. I tend to not stand out in a crowd nor do I like to draw in all the attention. Just this week I was siting in an office with a group of people when someone said something inappropriate, needless to say he definitely didn't remember I was still in the office. However I feel that being invisible is something that many people don't want to be, but when asked what super power you would want, many people say invisibility. I see my invisibility as a super power that allows to me observe the people around me with out drawing any attention.

Do Hobson or Nayyrah Waheed help you think about invisibility in a new way?

     Typically invisibility is seen as negative,I saw it as positive but in reference to Hobson and Waheed I understand why this is negative. I feel that we try too hard to avoid color because it makes us uncomfortable, and when we are uncomfortable we try to avoid something in hopes that it goes away. Color will never fade. We are not just our color but our color has helped in defining our live in different ways. It is important to talk about race. Action begins with awareness. If we didn't inform people about cancer because it make us uncomfortable we can never find a cure. The cure could be a milk farm for all we know!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy that you embrace your shyness and "invisibility". But I really don't think you're invisible. Yes, you're not always the person to jump out of your seat and volunteer to do a crazy demonstration but when you do take lead, your character and greatness shine through, so maybe your selective invisibility is a super power. I do also agree that the idea of invisibility in the context of race is a negative outlook and it will never dissipate so we as youth workers need to talk about race and acknowledge it so it's not an invisible topic.
